Alin Şovăială

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Его звали Николае... В подвале одесской больницы нашли документы румынского солдата времен оккупации (фото): Hi.First of all i'm a romanian.Second, i'm the founder of an historical page on facebook where we have around 31000 followers.Yesterday i found a post around those documents.Posted on my page too, in less than 24 hours we have around 2500 shares.I've read all of your commnets based on the google translation and i quess there are two sides.Those who want the papers to be return to the family of the romanian soldier and those who are not really found of romanians at all. Is normal i quess to be oposite opinions , but for all of you i have one thing to say : what if that soldier was yout old old grandparent , what if those meaningless papers is all that's left of him? Wouldnt you want that picture in your hand? Is not about the money, a piece of paper like that worths nothing in money but everything perhaps for the family. I know that historical relationships beetwen our nations have not been so great but this is not even about nation, is about people.Since yesterday some of us are trying to find some relatives of this soldier, you have the documents.Keep them , do it as a gesture of good will  and if we find them please return them home.I know that if things were different we would do the same. Best regards Alin. If you ever find documents same as this one please email me at : and we will try to find their home.Thank you  
2013-03-16 18:21:50

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